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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

don't make PROMISE when yOu are in JOY,
don't REPLY when you are SAD,
don't take DECISION when you are ANGRY..

Friday, August 6, 2010

in love??


knape la life aq camnie,,,, tak sronok langsung... tiap2 bulan mesti aq dengar perkataan IN LOVE tu... haish... klu la bdk laki tau menilai apa ertinya IN LOVE,, tak per la jgak....nie tak... klu dah part bercnta tuh,, hrm... romantis sngt.... pastu,,, klu dah CLASH,, mula la nak menangis...... erghhh..... kuang ajar ar bdk nmer _ _ _ tuh...haish... aq mmg benci ngan bdak nmer _ _ _ _ _ tuh.... skati dier jer nak khutuk kter.... dier ingat,, dier tu bguzz sngat??!! maklumlah.. dier tuh pengawas an?!! p bnyk jgak ar aweks sker kat dier... nie pown first tyme be with pngawas, haha,,, papela....

Saturday, July 17, 2010

why letting this happen??

why must my life going like this ?
no matter what happen , I STILL LOVE THEM !

dear friend,
kenapa bole jd cmni ?
kenapa act mcm ni ?
kenapa biar things jd cmni ?
kenapa benci dieorg ?
kenapa ta leh nak bebaek an dieorg ?
kenapa kutuk dieorg depan aku ?
kenapa ta leh nak sangka baik dgn others ?
kenapa ta leh nak syg dieorg like kau syg others ?
kenapa treat dieorg different to others ?
kenapa salu kau je yang nak menang ?
kenapa kene ikut flow kau ?
kenapa susah sgt nak mintak maaf ?
kenapa susah sgt nak maafkn org ?
kenapa bia je bnde ni ?
kenapa still dgn ego kau yang mgunung tu ?
kenapa still hipokrit ?
kenapa still berlagak hebad ?
kenapa still ta nk mengalah ?
kenapa senang nak benci org ?
kenapa ta leh terime FATT and MAMAT kau tu ?
kenapa ta nk fix things balek ?
kenapa biar dieorg benci kau ?
kenapa ta nk dieorg syg kau ?
kenapa susah sgt nak ckp leklok kat org lain ?
kenapa perlu sakitkn hati org lain ?
kenapa suke besarkn hal ?
kenapa susah sgt nak settle probs baik baik ?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

what happen to me?? i'm don really understand...

hati : nape kaw ni huh? cpt sgt mnangis? adoh adoh. kaw ni kan? memalukan dri sndri je !
mulut : ntah la. cam ta leh nak tahan je air mata
hati : tu la kaw. dlu bkn main lg, konon nye menangis tu LOSER an? now,tgk la sape loser !
mulut : yeye. now da sdar dh. yes! i'm a loser. but jd loser lg hebad dr jd hipokrit kan?
hati : yup. btol tu. but now kaw sdar la huh?
mulut : kinda
hati : kaw sdar tak kaw buat ape kat skull td?
mulut : sdar. ermmm,
hati : then, ape patut kaw bwt?
mulut : buat bodoh !
hati : see, still nk jd hipokrit?
mulut : perlu ke mntk maaf?
hati : kaw rse kali ni sape buat slh?
mulut : ntah.
hati : serious tak tahu?
mulut : FINE. my fault !!
hati : good job dear ! so, kne wat ape?
mulut : say sorry ?
hati : then?
mulut : ermm, try tak wat lg?
hati : good job. i know u can't avoid her !
mulut : blh je kot. nak dare?
mulut : okay fine. I CAN'T AVOID HER !
hati : loser much
mulut : much better than being hypocrite right?
hati : now u get it!

Friday, June 25, 2010

tearS iN heaVen

would you know my name, if i saw you in heaven,
would you feel the same, if i saw you in heaven
i must be strong and carry on cause i know i don't belong
here in heaven !

time can break your down
time can bend your knees
time can break your heart
have you begging please

Thursday, June 24, 2010

beSt frienDs aRe the siblinGs God forGot to give uS

When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.
Many people will walk in and out of you life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch swing with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've ever had.
Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys, and dividing our grief.
A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad
Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say
A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.